Ruhi Grade 4 Curriculum Support Lesson 10: Baha’u’llah has brought us the Word of God and His Revelation is His most precious gift to humanity Lesson Plan and Memorization LESSON PLANLesson 10 SONG Turn Your Faces...
Ruhi Grade 4 Curriculum Support Lesson 9: Baha’u’llah has brought us the Word of God and His Revelation is His most precious gift to humanity Lesson Plan and Memorization LESSON PLANLesson 9 SONG This Is a Book...
Ruhi Grade 4 Curriculum Support Lesson 8: The Cause of God has the power to withstand all opposition Lesson Plan and Memorization LESSON PLANLesson 8 Download SONG The Power of His Might...
Ruhi Grade 4 Curriculum Support Lesson 7: Baha’u’llah’s power to transform souls Lesson Plan and Memorization LESSON PLANLesson 7 Download SONG A Gnat into an Eagle...
Ruhi Grade 4 Curriculum Support Lesson 6: We must work to spread Baha’u’llah’s Teachings in order for justice to be established on earth Lesson Plan and Memorization LESSON PLANLesson 6 POWERPOINTBadi Download With immense gratitude to Elaheh Bos for...
Ruhi Grade 4 Curriculum Support Lesson 5: Baha’u’llah suffered for the sake of humanity Lesson Plan and Memorization LESSON PLANLesson 5 Download SONG Remember My Days...